We add in mobile device "active sync account"("company account"/"exchange account")

Account type : Exchange/ActiveSync
Username : full email address, for example : [email protected]
Server address : kc.metransrail.eu
Use SSL : yes
Use client certificate : no

Android screenshot howto is available only in czech : Nastavení připojení k emailům

iPhone 5s with iOS10 :

Go to settings :
iphone and kerio connect

Email section :
iphone and kerio connect

Accounts :
iphone and kerio connect

Add account :
iphone and kerio connect

Account type : exchange
iphone and kerio connect

Set email and password :
iphone and kerio connect

Continue :
iphone and kerio connect

Set serv address and username :
iphone and kerio connect

continue :
iphone and kerio connect

Save :
iphone and kerio connect

Done, account is added :
iphone and kerio connect